


About us

We are one of the pioneer companies in the renewable energy sector on the island of Mallorca. Since the beginning in Clubio we have always defended and bet on the use of renewable sources of energy in all its forms. In 2022 we partnered with the largest solar energy company in Latin America, Solatio, with whom we already have more than 20 years of experience.

Currently, Clubio continues to bet on a sustainable energy future, we carry out profitability studies and advise which is the best option according to the needs of each client. We carry out different installations: photovoltaic systems, aerothermal systems, ventilation with heat recovery, as well as biomass stoves and boilers, projected natural cork and phytopurification. At the same time we do the maintenance of facilities and we have a reliable technical service.

Logotip de Clubio - Instal·lació de plaques solars i energies renovables
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Equip Clubio

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Nom Cognom


Peter Ross


Peter Ross


Peter Ross


Peter Ross


Peter Ross


"It is not the fear of global warming that should motivate us to save the Earth, but the love we feel for it."

Satish Kumar.