Wind energy



Wind energy is the
energy obtained from the wind.

This is a type of kinetic energy produced by the effect of air currents. This energy can be converted into electricity through an electric generator.

Almost all single-family homes are suitable for installing renewable energy. However, they may not achieve their purpose by betting only on wind energy. It should be borne in mind that this energy will only be efficient in areas where the wind is common. Among the requirements to be able to use this energy in a single-family house are: The area or location of the house will depend on the strength of the wind. A minimum speed of about four meters per second is needed for the installation to be viable.

Aquest tipus de sistema requereix per a la instal·lació de força espai. A més, també serà important realitzar la instal·lació en llocs on flueixin els corrents d'aire i, a poder ser, amb una alçada considerable per aprofitar millor l'energies Les ordenances dependran de les administracions locals, provincials i/o autonòmiques. S'hi recolliran les diferents condicions que cal complir per instal·lar aquesta energia renovable a casa La certificació legal requereix d' una aprovació per part de l' administració. Hi constarà el tipus d'instal·lació, la localització, el terreny en el qual es durà a terme, etc.

Disposen d'un compressor especialment dissenyat que els permet arribar a temperatures de treball superiors als 60ºC. Per aquest motiu, són una alternativa als sistemes convencionals de calefacció, i poden substituir a calderes mixtes o sistemes partits, o com a font de producció de ACS durant tot l'any.

It is a clean, renewable energy that does not pollute and helps replace the energy produced through fossil fuels.

How does
wind energy work?

Wind energy is obtained by converting the movement of the blades of a wind turbine into electrical energy. A wind turbine is an electric generator driven by a turbine driven by the wind, its predecessors are windmills.

A wind turbine is made up of the tower; an orientation system located at the end of the tower, at its upper end; a coupling cabinet to the mains attached to the base of the tower; a gondola that is the skeleton that covers the mechanical components of the mill and serves as the basis for the blades; a rotor shaft and control in front of the blades; and inside the gondola, a brake, a multiplier, the generator and the electrical regulation system.

The blades are connected to the rotor, in turn connected to the shaft (placed at the pole), which sends the rotating energy to the electric generator. This generator uses magnets to produce electrical voltage and, therefore, electrical energy.

Wind farms evacuate the electricity produced from their transformer substation through a power line to a distribution substation, to which the energy produced is supplied, which it sends to the end user.

"It's totally wrong to try to treat the land as if it were a liquidating business."

Herman Daly.